Personal data is all data that refer or can be referred to natural persons. Data that you enter here is collected, processed and used by EFALOCK Professional Tools GmbH, Gattingerstrasse 20, 97076 Wuerzburg. EFALOCK Professional Tools GmbH attaches great importance to the maintenance of data protection according to the provisions of the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz [German Data Protection Act] and has established all technical and organisational means and measures necessary to protect the existing personal data in accordance with the requirements of the German Data Protection Act. This data protection page will inform you on the processing procedure and important principles of data processing.
As a general rule you can visit the web pages of EFALOCK Professional Tools GmbH without telling us who you are. We will only find out the name of your Internet service provider, the web page from which you are visiting us and our web page that you are visiting. This information will be evaluated for statistical purposes. As individual user you will remain anonymous.
Personal Data will be collected on our website, if you want to get in contact with us. Therefore you have to fill out the contact form. The data you make available to us will be used for the required communication with you. The disclosure to third parties beyond the EFALOCK Professional Tools GmbH will not occur.
As content provider according to § 7 Telemediengesetz (TMG) [German Tele Media Act] EFALOCK Professional Tools GmbH is responsible for “own content” that is posted for use in line with general legal provisions. Links to content posted by other providers must be distinguished from our own content. EFALOCK Professional Tools GmbH makes “foreign content” available for use through links. Links are always “live” (dynamic) references. Although before the initial linking EFALOCK Professional Tools GmbH checked that the foreign content would not lead to a possible liability under civil or criminal law. However, it does not evaluate the content to which its offer refers for constant changes, which might again constitute a liability. If the company discovers or is made aware by others that a concrete offer to which it made a link available produces a civil or criminal liability under the law it will cancel the link to this offer.
The continuing technical developments in the areas of information technology and the Internet also necessitate an adjustment of the existing data protection declaration. We therefore reserve the right to make amendments and changes to the existing data protection declaration. The current version of this declaration dates from 22.04.2015.
A data protection officer has been appointed for EFALOCK Professional Tools GmbH. The data protection officer is responsible to monitor the maintenance of data protection in all areas. If you have questions or suggestions with regard to data protection you can contact the data protection officer at any time under the following address: